

The Clavel estate located in south Cote du Rhône has 80 hectares of vines spread over 5 town : St Gervais, St Michel d’Euzet, Carsan, Bagnols sur Cèze and St Nazaire. This diversity is an asset because it allows us to offer diversified wines.

Domaine Clavel is managed by Claire Clavel and has been owned by her family since 1640, she belongs to a long decendant of winegrowers 

Claire Clavel is trusting about sustainable developpement and she committed to sustainable viticulture, the Domaine Clavel works his vines with the concern for the environment. Maintaining diversity biology of the viticultural ecosystem is a daily issue. 

Domaine Clavel has integrated the Terra Vitis approach in 2010 and Haute Valeur Environmental (HVE 3) in 2019 for guarantee its customers transparency, traceability and quality. 

The Clavel domain produce 20% of white wines, 70% of red wines and 10% of rosé. All are produced in accordance with the principle of sustainable development and respect for the environment. In addition, each grape variety is aged in a different barels in order to make the best blend 






